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In this video, we can see a giant LED screen in the workshop, which will be assembled for 72 hours aging test. The giant LED screen, also called a large LED display, is consist of flexible LED modules and sturdy aluminum cabinet structure.

Flexible LED modules are designed with high-end technological innovations and are widely used in irregular shapes such as circles and columns.

Flexible LED module is one of the innovative ultra-thin products, completely free from the traditional heavy cabinet, and can be applied to any complex installation environment.


Flexible LED signs can be customized to any shape. We offer a variety of sizes to meet the needs of LED displays. It is soft, thin and lightweight, such as spherical LED display, cube LED display, cylindrical LED display, round LED display, oval LED display, wavy LED screen and so on.

Our flexible LED modules process (2×24 hours) white balance aging and 24 hours video aging test to ensure the reliability and stability of LED modules.

If you are interested in our giant LED screens, please contact our sales team or leave us a message. Thank you very much!

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0.9 min read --187 words --Last Updated: November 11, 2024 --

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