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EagerLED, a professional LED video wall manufacturer, welcomed Australian customers to our LED screen factory. I believe they will gain a better understanding of our LED screens and the technology we use.

Our LED screen showroom was the first place we took them. We showed a wide range of high-quality LED video walls, such as transparent LED displays, LED floor displays and rental LED walls. Our salesperson described the unique features and structures of each LED display.

Then, they visited our LED workshop where we assembled many displays and performed a 72-hour aging test. Australian customers were able to learn more about our LED cabinet’s structure and marvel at the high-tech product.

They also visit our testing facilities, which are divided between waterproof and aging tests to make sure that all products are in good situation before transportation. The best LED displays for their needs can be found, and they will also ensure that our LED screens are durable.

The exchange gave Australian customers the opportunity to learn more about our unique cultures and product lines. We look forward to establishing a long-term relationship of cooperation. We are so grateful!

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