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This video compares the EagerLED P2.5 indoor LED module in terms of brightness, back coating treatment, and lamp bead holder. Comparative results show that EagerLED modules are more reliable and have better performance than other products.

Brightness Comparison: Using a lightgun to test brightness, the results showed that the EagerLED module reached 646 while the competing product only achieved 557. Users can expect brighter, more vibrant displays with EagerLED modules. This will provide a more engaging experience at any business event.

Back Coating Treatment: The back side of the EagerLED modules is coated with conformal coating. This is not offered by competing products. EagerLED modules can maintain their performance and appearance in harsh environments, increasing their life expectancy and reliability.

Lamp Bead Bracket: Magnetic testing has shown that EagerLED modules use a copper lamp bracket while competitors use an iron bracket. Copper has better thermal properties than iron, which may allow EagerLED modules to dissipate more heat.

The P2.5 EagerLED indoor LED module is a high-performance and reliable product that offers better visual effects, longer service life, and greater reliability.

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P3.91 EagerLED Outdoor LED Module Comparison Video

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