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EagerLED will conduct LED salt spray tests to simulate the corrosion effects of the coastal area in order to ensure that the LED display has efficient stability and corrosion resistance in salt spray environments.

During the test, our technicians will pay close attention to various performance indicators of the LED screen, such as brightness, contrast, and light beads, etc. Below is the process of salt spray tests.

  1. Put the LED displays inside the special testing chamber and expose the metal surface underneath.
  2. In the test chamber, the temperature is typically maintained at 37°C to simulate accelerated corrosion.
  3. The pH of the solution is maintained between 6.5 and 7.2.
  4. The sample is exposed to the salt solution for a period of 24 hours, or 72 hoursas per the requirements of the test.
  5. If the LED displayis non-corrosive, it is said to have passed the salt spray test.

Therefore, salt spray testing is one of the most efficient methods to test the corrosion resistance of a particular coating. EagerLED adheres to providing premium and perfect LED displays to customers all the time. Please contact us to learn more information.

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