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We are genuinely grateful for the positive video feedback we’ve received from our valued Mexico customers regarding our 200 pieces P2.5 320x160mm indoor LED modules.

Your video feedback reinforces our commitment to offering premium, advanced products that meet your needs and exceed expectations.

In the video, P2.5 indoor LED modules provide you with vibrant and vivid advertisements to captivate pedestrians’ attention.

  1. The indoor LED module is designed with a 45 degree beveled edge, which supports seamless splicing into multiple shapes you desire.
  2. Wechoose the best driver ICs, such as MBI5124, ICN2038S, MIB5153, ICN2153, which use the latest technology with high refresh rate and high gray level.
  3. 5 pixel pitch ensures high clarity and high contrast rate, making advertisements more innovative and attractive.
  4. The use of high-quality materialensures that the LED module is lightweight and thick, making transportation and installation easier.

Thank you for taking the time to share your video with us! Your support and trust motivate us to keep pushing the boundaries of what our LED solutions can achieve.

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0.9 min read --170 words --Last Updated: November 18, 2024 --

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